Gateway Terrier Association

About Us

The Gateway Terrier Association was established in 2002 by a small, determined group of terrier fanciers.

After completing all the steps required for new group clubs, we received approval from the AKC to hold our first Conformation, Obedience and Rally trials for the terrier group in December 2006. The conformation show in Belleville IL was a staple for us for many years. In 2011 we headed west and held our first show at Purina Farm’s Event Center in Gray Summit, MO.

In 2010 we applied to AKC for licensing to hold Earthdog tests. Our required Match was held in November 2010 and our first Earthdog test was held at Purina Farms on June 4 2011.

In March 2014 we held our Barn Hunt match at Purina Farms and became licensed to hold Barn Hunt LLC events. In April and May 2014 we held our first Barn Hunt Trials in a joint partnership with the Dachshund Club of St. Louis. See more about GTA and Barn Hunt in the article titled “Barn to Run” on the “BRAGS” page.

Our members participate in many activities with their terriers including Conformation, Obedience, Rally, Agility, Earthdog, and many other fun activities.

Our meetings are open to the public and are held either in South County in St. Louis, MO or in Belleville, IL.

Photos on our website were taken by Bettina Woolbright.

Board of Directors and Officers
  • Denise Faulkner, President
  • Linda Schulte, Vice President
  • Denise Faulkner, Treasurer, Membership Secretary
  • Patty Burmeister, Secretary
  • Jody Dean, BOD through May 2019
  • Claire Martin, BOD through May 2019
  • TBD, BOD through May 2018
  • Grace Church, emeritus BOD
To see our Constitution and ByLaws, click here